About Us

Welcome to Romeo's Lawn and Snow

My Story

My name is Brian Berthiaume actually – NOT Romeo – but my story of how I started this business starts with him. Romeo is my Great Dane. I adopted him from another family who just felt he needed his person and niche. He found both with me.

I had just gotten a new plow truck (slightly used, but new to me). I took him with because he loved it while I plowed.

Romeo went missing for 5 days in South St. Paul, MN and people started following his story closely. We found him and brought him home. From there my business and passion grew.

People say I’ve outgrown and overused the “dog” thing but I’m just giving him credit where credit is due. He and my red truck were my first business assets.

Thank you for visiting and considering me for your seasonal outdoor needs.

Brian and Romeo

Connect with us

Give us a call if you have any questions about our services.